The regular 2021 session of the Virginia General Assembly has ended, but Governor Northam called for a special session to give lawmakers more time to work through the proposed bills.
Two of the bills we have been tracking were left in the House Appropriations committee. The first one, HB 1929, was a large Standards of Quality bill which would have lowered the student-teacher ratio for K-12 English language instructors in proportion to English proficiency level, according to the student’s most recent WIDA ACCESS score. The new ratios would have been:
1 teacher for every 25 students at Level 1,
1 teacher for every 30 students at Level 2,
1 teacher for every 40 students at Level 3, and
1 teacher for every 58 students for all other English learners.
The second bill we were watching closely, HB 1915, would have increased Virginia teacher pay to approach the national teacher salary average.
Essentially, both of these bills were considered, but the required funding for the bill was not approved.
Four of the bills we have been watching were continued until the special session begins today. See the graphic below for a summary of other bills we have been following:

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If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Jessica Klein, the VATESOL Legislative Liaison, at